Sunday, June 29, 2008

Working Out At the Fitness Center

For the past several years, yers truly has more or less enjoyed an activity we resisted for all our days prior to October 0f 2002 -- physical exercising at the Charles Cole Hospital's Wellness Center located in the former Community Hospital building at Pine and Broad streets in our hometown. Don't recall exactly how many times we argued against signing up for such an activity, using the contention that it just doesn't make sense to pay for physical exercise when our home is located on a hillside immediately adjacent to heavily-wooded countryside. Why don't we just hike up and down the road leading to and from the homestead? Easier said than done, as the old saying puts it! Anyway, to make a long story shorter we just don't cotton to the idea of walking up and down several blocks of Katherine St. Ext. Some months during 2001 and 2002 the missus and this scribe used the high school corridors for our strolling site -- don't remember just why that activity got suspended. At any rate, for almost a half-dozen years now, this writer and other half have been paid patrons of the Wellness and Fitness Center. Got started on this procedure in the late weeks of 2002, when Mrs. Rambler was having PT there after the first of two knee replacements. Noting how effective the various types of exercise were in encouraging her recovery, yers truly decided it might make sense to sign up himself. As of today we report three times a week for an hour or more at the Center, and feel that it has been very beneficial. Additionally, the writer is gratified that the former Community Hospital building continues to provide health-related services to the hometown, especially in view of the concerted townwide campaign which brought the modernized facility into existence to replace the West Mill St. structure where this writer entered the world. All for this visit, as this scribe continues to struggle with this electronic keyboard after decades with that 1952 Royal portable!

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Another Try at "Ramblin's"

A daunting task on this 25th day of June 2008, my first time trying to use a laptop computer, and at the same time attempting to “bat out” a colyum more or less resembling my almost-weekly effort during 30-some years of operating your hometown newspaper. The keyboard facing yers truly scarcely resembles that of the 1952 Royal portable on which ye Rambler produced those earlier efforts. Yet, somehow or other, the whole process seemed much less complex on that hand-punched mechanism.
As I sit here on the living room couch facing the back deck on our house, there are three local folks who operate a painting business scraping loose paint off the floorboards. Looking out at that area brings back memories of many, many weekend afternoons when ye Rambler would sit in front of a card table on a folding chair and tap out the week’s stuff (sort of blog-like). Furthermore, another big difference in the atmosphere is the absence of one or more of the five young folks, ranging from five years old to 19. Their presence in our home provided much of the material for each colyum, and their absence since all have “flown the coop” leaves the writer with more limited subject matter, to say the least.
Be that as it may be, we hope to continue this 21st century blog process as time goes by, and we become more used to computer-driven typing. For now, yers truly will put a “30” on today’s effort — that means “The End” in journalistic slang!